6 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Choosing A Career

1. Not Taking Enough Time: Good decisions are made in a space of peace, where one has the time, space and solitude to look at different op...

career mistake.PNG1. Not Taking Enough Time: Good decisions are made in a space of peace, where one has the time, space and solitude to look at different options; it makes a way for healthy and reasonable choices. Most of us confront the 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' question that may not be easy to answer. So, plan in advance and take enough time to answer it.

The first step in developing career goals is to assess your own personal characteristics--your skills and interests, your likes and dislikes, your strengths and weaknesses and match your profile to a specific job or career goal.

Before choosing a career you may opt to work with a professional, or work through the process on your own, but either ways, it is the thought and energy you put into the process that will set you on the right path to success.

2. Failure to Understand What's Best For You: You are no one else. You are yourself. For most people, to figure out their purpose in life and whatever they want as career can be very simple and easy, while it may take a lifetime for some others. It's very important to know who you are and what and where you want to be in life before deciding on your dream career. Becoming a great business man, a respected journalist, a successful entrepreneur, etc does not happen overnight. Understand what works best for you, and don't be carried away with the trends of industry, peer pressure. Parental expectations, etc. Take advice from people, but understand what works well for you.

3. Choosing a Career Because of Your Parents, Friends, Family: Families are awesome. They are who will always be there for you, come what may. At every stage in one's life, comes parental influence. They are available to advice you on the way to go when choosing a career path – which is very good, and of course, they see more than a child will. But many people have confused their life choices simply because of their parent's choices. There are cases where children have wasted productive years in college studying because of their parents, and start all over again to study for their career choice.

4. Not Checking up on the Right Institute and Academic Programme: The most important thing to consider when choosing a career is the type of education or training required for the chosen programme. Just because your parents didn't go to college or because you don't have money doesn't mean you should forget about taking admission in the institute and course of your choice. If you want to do something passionately, there is always a way to get the financial aid you need to do the course.

5. Choosing a Career Because of Salary: Too many people make mistakes of choosing a career because of the salary level. Choose a career based on the things you love to do, not the money that you think you may make. Do what you love and money will follow. This may be difficult to digest, but it is how life is and how to enjoy it. Money is not happiness. If Money is happiness, then the wealthiest people, will be happiest people on earth. Doing what you love gives you joy, makes you happy and you derive the utmost fulfilment from it. This should be your guide when choosing a career path.

6. Neglecting Value: Choosing a career path should also be a consideration and evaluation of the society's value system. There is a vaccum you should fill. There is a problem you should solve. You don't want to choose a career or go into business that is useless to the society. You must think and act reasonably – and in sync with your career choice - to cater for the society and not merely focus on personal gains.

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